
Organisers: Paddy Royall, Leticia Cugliandolo, Frank Smallenburg, Mathieu Leocmach, Fee Sorrentino

Monday, May 5 - Wednesday, May 7 2025 - Roscoff Biological Station


Crystallisation and self-assembly are everyday phenomena with great industrial and environmental importance. The underlying process of a drop in free energy leading to ordering is exhibited by a very wide range of systems. Given the breadth of the phenomenon, from soft matter (colloidal crystallisation, protein crystallisation, self-assembly of active colloids, DNA origami panels), to nanoparticles, water, biomolecules and biomineralization, (such as bones, shells and coral), the possibility of cross-fertilisation of ideas between different fields is immense, and this forms a central theme of this workshop.



Please register and submit your abstract on the CECAM website.

The deadline for talk submissions is 3rd March with talk acceptance notification by 10th March.
There is limited space for contributed talks and there will be a poster session.
The workshop is free of charge to all participants. Participants are strongly advised to book their accommodation as soon as possible. Roscoff is a very popular place in the spring!

List of Speakers

Benjamin Abecassis  (ENS Lyon)
Daniel Bonn (University of Amsterdam Netherlands)
Dwaipayan Chakrabarty (University of Birmingham, UK)
Cecile Cottin-Bizonne (University of Lyon)
Patrick Charbonneau (Duke University, North Carolina)
Marjolein Dijkstra (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Michael Engel (Erlangen University, Germany)   
Laura Filion (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Seth Fraden (Brandeis University, Massachusetts)
Fabienne Gauffre (Rennes)
Giuseppe Gonnella (Bari University, Italy)
Nicoletta Gnan (La Sapienza Roma, Italy)
Eric Grelet (Bordeaux)
Yiyeoun Kim (University of Leeds, UK)
Werner Krauth (ENS Paris)
Tannie Liverpool (University of Bristol, UK)
Susana Marin-Aguilar (La Sapienza Roma, Italy)
Fiona Meldrum (University of Leeds, UK)
Valeria Molinero (University of Utah)
Nadine Nassif (Sorbonne University)
Lucian Roach (ENS Lyon)
John Russo (La Sapienza Roma)
Andela Saric (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria)
Matteo Salvalaglio (University College London)
Francesco Sciortino (La Sapienza Roma, Italy)

Stefano Sacanna (New York University)
Nicolas Schabanel (ENS Lyon)
Frank Schreiber (Tübingen University, Germany)  
Richard Sear (University of Surrey, UK)
Thomas Speck (Stuttgart University, Germany)  
Hajime Tanaka (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Tom Truskett (University of Texas)
Chantal Valeriani (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
Carlos Vega (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
James de Yoreo (University of Washington)


Roscoff Sunset

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